i think these faces say it all.. CUTE that is. it makes me miss my pup. i cant wait for our cuddle session a week from now..
with that said.. time is coming and going, and im floating along. i dont have much to say these days, i guess all i really have to say is caught somewhere in my head, and i seem to be unable to articulate my feelings. so dont mind my blubbering. but i realized this weekend, that a move may be in order for june, kels hasn't got into any of the doctoral programs she applied to and i honestly dont really plan on getting a serious gd gig until the fall, so my money might need to be saved for honey, aka festivals, traveling and post-college relaxing. im so torn, i like my apartment but its too expensive and the lack of cleanliness on others parts are starting to get me down. i am excited to surprise attack mom in dad in almost exactly a weeek. yay. i have never kept a secret like this from them for this long, and its so exciting. in other news, this weekend was good.. :). thesis is moving, not nearly as fast as it should, packaging and exhibition are going along too. came up with my new identity which can be seen a few posts down. yay. all i constantly feel is just the FUCKING ITCH TO GRADUATE ALREADY.. tminus 2 months. woooooo.