gold dont fool

wow its been a while.. a good while. so i flew out to the chi last thursday for a little spring break of sorts, had a beautiful time reconnecting with my people. lots of shit happened, went to two potlucks, celebrated the birth of a bff, totally rammed into the back of a car and he didnt get out, soo thankful, went up to milwaukee to see the art museum, it had been too long. went to the mca yesterday, the visit confirmed that it is my favorite musuem of all time. got amazing thai and falafel.. broke my no cheese lent diet, and got a goooey grilled cheese in wisconsin from cluvers.. amazing. got some new gear and a little cash stack, from the rents, basically the whole focus of the trip. no just kidding. reunited with the best bff ever. all in all had a very nice last spring break!

so while i was away, DJ Atrak, the love of my musical life, celebrated a birthday himself, so this is a dedication to him. its all connected. so atrak, is how i heard of medhi, who i hadnt realized yet was the amazing husband of my tattoo's inspiration the loverly fafi, he also brought theophilus london, who i had the pleasure of meeting a few weeks back, via kiel... and to wrap it all up i threw in this awesome double ring inspired by mr.keith haring himself.. a good week, some good music, and always some good swagger jewerly.
